Start Up Key - Choosing Your Location/ Market
Welcome to "Deals with Heels," the ultimate podcast where we uncover the secrets to launching and growing your business. In this episode, we are thrilled to have Mendy Applegate as our special guest. Mendy will share her invaluable insights on the importance of Location and Market as part of our Start Up Key Series. Discover how to select the perfect location to open up your market and maximize your business plan's value.
Episode Highlights:
1. Rise Queens Rise: Debra and Mendy dive deep into understanding the significance of market research and location selection, ensuring they align with your unique business plan. During this segment, Debra explores the dynamics between brick and mortar establishments and online ventures.
2. Show Us Your Deals: Celebrate Your Success!
We want to hear about your victories! Whether it's closing a sale, reaching a milestone, or experiencing personal growth, share your wins by posting a photo of your favorite heels on social media and tagging us. Email us at https://www.dealswithheels.com/contact with a description of your accomplishment. Every week, we'll feature an exceptional submission as our Queen of the Week. It's time to showcase your deals, ladies!
Special Guest:
To learn more about Mendy Applegate, her Business Course, and her Virtual Assistant service, click on the following links: The Honey Do Checklist https://www.honeydo-checklist.com/ and Bloom Coworking https://www.bloom-coworking.com/.
Queen of the Week:
Congratulations to FaithAnn Basore - Window Washing Plus The Networkers Tour Guide https://www.thenetworkerstourguide.com/, https://windowcleaningplusokc.com/)! FaithAnn achieved great success in networking her window washing business and even started a networking business to help others achieve the same.
Don't Forget to Subscribe, Download, and Share!
Thank you for tuning in to "Deals with Heels." Your support means the world to us.
Debra Bowers is the proud owner of Hexagon Media. Learn more about her work at www.hexagonmedia.net
Christina Vigil, our accountability expert, owns The Declutter Queen. Explore her services at www.declutter-queen.com
Let's unlock the keys to your entrepreneurial success together. Happy listening!